Rockstar is a Bollywood Musical Film starring Ranbir Kapoor and Nargis Faakhri in the lead roles. Diected by Imtiaz Ali who had earlier directed the blockbuster Love Aaj Kaal in the year 2008, music is composed by the maestro A.R Rahman while the lyrics are penned by Irshad Kamil who is slowly making his mark in Bollywood. Imitaz's previous film Love Aaj Kal also boasted of melodious and chartbuster music by Pritam. This time he is backed by the maestro himself who with his magical tunes creates a whole new world of music capturing listener's mind. So the expectations are sky high with this soundtrack as the film itself is a musical. The Album consists of 11 original tracks and 2 instrumentals. Almost all the songs have been sung by Mohit Chauhan except one or two.
The album kickstarts with 'Phir se udd chala' which is a solo male song sung by Mohit Chauhan in his trademark drowsy voice which is soothing to the ears. It starts off with guitar strings and then comes the huuming of Mohit Chauhan which is captivating. The lyrics are hard to comprehend in the first hearing as the song is composed and sung in a breathless style but the pace of the song is medium. It has a feel of a 'Pahadi' folk song in terms of it's setting and instrumentation. Not great but a good listen which will take time to grow on you.
The second song 'Jo bhi main' which again is a solo Mohit Chauhan song is soft rock with minimal use of instruments focussing on the vocals. Lyrics here are the highpoint of the song describing the character's viewpoint beautifully. Also the singing here is of top quality and Mohit Chauhan goes all out and sings it like a true rockstar especially the phrases 'yay yay yay'. This song is a sure shot chartbuster and will go down well along the youth who likes their music to be a bit different. The use of guitar and drums is exceptional complementing the high octane vocals of Mohit Chauhan. This one's instantly likeable.
Next comes 'Katiya Karoon' which is solo female song sung by Harshdeep Kaur who had earlier sung 'Chand ki katori' in Guzaarish which went unnoticed despite it being a melodious one. Her talent was not explored till now but with this song, one can be sure that she will be heard quite often now. The song starts with the chorus singing 'tinglinga tingling' in a very sweet mannner and comes the instruments which are mostly indian and the song has a rustic feel to it without being harsh or over the top. It's medium paced and is a delight to listen. It can be played in a loop and still it won't bore you a bit. Lyrics are a mix of punjabi and hindi having a distinctive quality. Harshdeep's rendition is flawless perfectly bringing out the innocence and tanginess of the song. This one's a class apart.
After three solo tracks comes an ensemble song 'Kun Faaya Kun' sung by Javed Ali, A R Rahman and Mohit Chauhan which is a Sufi song in the name of Islamic God. After composing outstanding songs earlier in this genre such as 'Piya haji ali' and 'Khwaja mere khwaja', AR Rahman comes up with yet another divine compostion which is truly magical and leaves you in a trance. Irshad Kamil's soul stirring yet simple lyrics heighten the impact. Singing by all the three singers is out of this world as the song flows smoothly like water. Javed Ali who is often heard in Rahman’s composition shines like a diamond in this song and his child like innocent voice work wonders. A R Rahman with his high pitched voice is at his best while Mohit Chauhan who is new to this genre stands tall with the veterans. The song's duration is over 7 minutes but it doesn't bother as the listener gets mesmerized by the sheer brilliance of this composition. Indian instruments are effectively used weaving a web of purity and calmness. There is a bit of guitar strumming in the interlude providing it a unique flavor. Absolutely riveting and best of all songs.
The fifth track ‘Shehar mein’ sung by Mohit Chauhan and Karthik is an experimental song with witty lyrics and uneven pattern of composition. It is a situational track, a kind of a recording rehearsal going on between singers and composer. Both the singers have done a fantastic job and have sung it with zing. The instruments used are synthesizer mixed with beats of dholak. It’s an interesting composition which will be instantly liked by the youth.
Next is ‘Hawaa Hawaa’ which starts off with the sound of accordion which was often heard in 70’s and 80’s. Sung by Mohit Chauhan in his inimitable style, the compostion has an eastern touch and takes you on the Arabian route. The song is medium paced but gains momentum in the interlude portions with the grand orchestration taking over. Lyrics are innovative and refreshing proving the song another dimension. A R Rahman shows his mastery with excellent use of instruments and setting making this song a delight for the listeners. Mohit Chauhan proves his mettle as a singer as it required a flexible voice with a wide range. He occasionally does some yudling in this song which is quite sweet.
The seventh track ‘Aur ho’ is a slow paced song and is a fusion of Sufi and rock music. Sung by Mohit Chauhan with great passion and emotions, it creates a stunning impact which lingers in the listener’s mind long after the song is over. The lyrics are exceptional bringing out the desperation and helplessness of the lead protagonist with gusto. The composition’s genre and setting reminds me of Rahman’s ‘Tu hi Tu ‘from the film Dil Se which is a landmark song in this particular genre. The instruments are minimal with Drums taking centerstage. Highly addictive.
Next comes one of the best tracks of this year ‘Nadaan Parinday’ which is a duet sung by A R Rahman and Mohit Chauhan, an exceptional combination of talent and passion. The song has elements of rock music especially the way instruments like guitar and drums are played in the interludes but the basic compostion is Sufi in nature. The song starts off slowly but soon gathers momentum as soon as the instruments come into play. Lyrics are like poetry and are philosophical in nature. The song changes track and scale in the antaras so smoothly and effectively that it gives goose bumps to the listener. This is at par with the best song of this album ‘Kun Fayaa Kun’. A gem of a song.
The ninth track ‘Tum Ko’ is a female solo song sung by the veteran Kavita Subramaniam who returns after a hiatus in this soulful romantic track. Her mellifluous voice creates a world of purity and calmness beautifully depicting the emotions of the girl longing for her love. Meaningful lyrics coupled with outstanding compostion using instruments like tabla and sarod in a heavenly way makes it a must listen. This song would have been grabbed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali anyday if given a chance. The choice of the singer by A R Rahman deserves extra brownie points.
Then comes the true blue rock song ‘Sadda Haq’ sung by the rockstar Mohit Chauhan with a kickass attitude and extreme passion which was the need of the hour. Currently being shown on TV, it is quite becoming a rage among the youngsters. The guitar riffs and drum beats along with synthesizer are of international standard. The lyrics are aggressive and obsessive bringing out the protagonist’s viewpoint about the society in an effective manner. The composition is catchy with the phrase ‘Sadda Haq Ithhe Rakh’ creating a stunning impact. A sure shot chartbuster.
‘Tum Ho’ which is the last original song of the album is a slow paced romantic song sung by Mohit Chauhan with able support by Suzanne D’Mello in the background. It acts like a slow poison and will be liked after repeated hearings. It reminds me of another Mohit Chauhan’s song ‘Tum Se Hi’ from the movie Jab We Met as it also had a same feel and setting. But this one’s a notch above from that thanks to the maestro A R Rahman.
After 11 outstanding songs of varied genres come two instrumentals and one dialogue piece of Ranbir Kapoor. ‘Tango for Taj’ instrumental is an amalgamation of eastern and western music with a mix of instruments like accordion and piano with clap beats creating a festival like mood. Next is ‘The Dichotomy of Fame’ instrumental which amalgamates the shining notes of Shahnai with that of sitar and guitar. It creates a wedding like atmosphere and is really pleasant to the ears. It will come at a very crucial point in the film and will bring together Late Shri Shammi Kapoor with his grandson Ranbir Kapoor for the first and last time on the silver screen. We can witness the talent of Shammi Kapoor playing the Shahnai himself in the film. The last one ‘The Meeting Place’ is a short musical piece with a dialogue of Ranbir Kapoor which he delivers in a convincing way.
After a good but inconsistent album Raavan and above average Jhootha Hi Sahi by A R Rahman’s standard, he strikes back with a bang with Rockstar which will be considered among one his best works. The album is an outstanding mix of Sufi, Eastern and Rock music which will be patronized by all music lovers the world over. Irshad Kamil after making an impact in Love Aaj Kal and and Mausam gives his best this time showing his knowledge and versatility as a lyricist. Special mention goes for Mohit Chauhan who is the soul of the album as he sings varied genre of songs in different styles and tones and have excelled in each and every song. All other singers also have performed exceedingly well. Rockstar is an another milestone in the exceptional career of the maestro A R Rahman which again proves the fact that he is still the best music composer of India. Don’t miss this gem!
My Picks: Jo Bhi Main, Katiya Karoon, Kun Faaya Kun, Hawaa Hawaa, Aur Ho, Nadaan Parinday, Tum Ko, Sadda Haq.
Rating: 4.5 Stars
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